
::This May Be a Long One::

So, I know I posted on Saturday and I haven't since...sorry! Busy me! However, I forgot to post some things from Thursday night. My mom kept Brant while Brandon and I went to the Brad Paisley concert with some friends. It was so much fun! Brad Paisley is my favorite! Here are some pictures from that:

Then, on Monday night Brant started showing me what I taught him on Saturday...Uncle Bryan, you will be so proud. Here is a video from that:

And today, we went to the doctor for our follow up appointment about our ear infections. Turns out they are not completely healed yet, so we are on our second round of antibiotics (third if you count the mis-diagnosis of strep). So, if this doesn't knock it out, which we will find out when we go for our NEXT follow up appointment, then we will resort to a round of three shots in three days. After that...well we haven't talked about that because we are hoping that will not be needed. Dr. Loventhal seems pretty confident that this should knock it out though. So, that has been our day. He is having a blast at school. Loving how he leaves me in the morning, no tears, just waves bye bye. And he has started to at least TRY lunch before he decides he doesn't want it! So, things are on the up, just pray we get rid of this ear thing!

Love to you all!


Anonymous said...

Just need a little more work on his barking and he'll be there!!!
Love y'all, Uncle Bryan

Anonymous said...

It is bad when we teach him to bark before we teach him to say Mommy.
OR Mimi :)

Anonymous said...

That's my lil man! I cant wait to see yall tomorrow! I'm soo.... excited! I love yall! Ally

Anonymous said...

bo dogs go tigers from