

I have so much stuff to post... that I am overwhelmed.

I will post this weekend - I promise. But to give you a taste of the goods I have coming your way I will tell you one story...

Last night as I was reading to Brant before bed, we opened up his Toddler Bible Stories book that his Mimi gave him. We turned to David and Goliath to start. He was SO intrigued. He wanted to know why Goliath was so big and mad! So we read the short story and I added some details that a two year old would want. We finished the story and I asked him some questions. He answered all of them flawlessly until I asked the final one... WHO WON in the end?

His answer: KEVIN HARVICK! (Nascar driver #29 for those of you uneducated in the sport)

Thanks PawPaw for filling my son's mind with Nascar...he thinks about it so much he even thinks they are in the Bible!

Then to top it off we turned to the story of Creation. All he could point out was Adam - and he was "naked boy"! Why is he Naked Boy mommy? Where are his clothes? He needs clothes!

And so this is my life...question after question, all day long! I LOVE EVERY SECOND THOUGH!

Love you all. I have great pictures to post along with more stories.


::Post Surgery Update::

Surgery went well. We are at home now, after his first day back at school. He had a great day and was really excited to see his friends, almost as excited as they were to see him!

He is still a little swollen, and I haven't seen the stitches yet because that waterproof bandage is really holding up! Will let you all know how that goes in the days to come. So far, he hasn't tried to rip it off yet, so thats good.

We have to go back to the doctor in like 2 to 3 weeks to make sure all is well, but I am sure it is.

Here are some pics from the day. We had a great experience at Children's...even as early in the morning as it was! I would recommend it to anyone. Dr. Bussey was wonderful...

This was before we went back. I thought we would be leaving soon...thats why I had on the hair net. Didn't leave soon...took it off. Glad I don't have to wear one of those in my profession.

Brant was a returning shopper to the games, books, and chalk. He loved Connect Four. He and Daddy played for like 10 minutes.

Close up of the nervousness...he wasn't a happy camper for the most part. I think he knew...

Post-op making sure we can keep things down. At least it was a Popsicle...and he loved it. It wasn't the lollipop he was begging for (ya know - Dr = Lollipop) but he didn't complain.


::Quick Update::

We have been to the doctor, actually yesterday. Turns out he does not have a hernia...however he might as well. He has the same condition, except that in a hernia intestine comes through the small opening in the inguinal canal, but instead fluid has flowed down into Brant's. This is called a hydrocele. You can go look it up on the Internet and become very educated, but there really is no point because the treatment is exactly the same.

We will go in for surgery at Children's on Monday morning (we hope am, but we won't find out till Thursday) February 9th. YES - my birthday. Happy Birthday to ME! However, I am just glad that we got in so quickly and we can get this over with.

I love the doctor and think that everything is going to go really well, except the whole not eating and drinking thing, so everyone can start praying about that now.

Well - off to tend to Brant. He is doing well, but I am thankful that many prayers are being lifted in our name. They are felt!

We love you all...and you know I will have pictures up of the whole ordeal for all to see!
I have a feeling Thomas will be right by our side...and maybe we'll pull puppy out of commission to join us too!