

We are in Macon for the weekend. Now I will finally have some pictures of the Arnolds to post!


::This May Be a Long One::

So, I know I posted on Saturday and I haven't since...sorry! Busy me! However, I forgot to post some things from Thursday night. My mom kept Brant while Brandon and I went to the Brad Paisley concert with some friends. It was so much fun! Brad Paisley is my favorite! Here are some pictures from that:

Then, on Monday night Brant started showing me what I taught him on Saturday...Uncle Bryan, you will be so proud. Here is a video from that:

And today, we went to the doctor for our follow up appointment about our ear infections. Turns out they are not completely healed yet, so we are on our second round of antibiotics (third if you count the mis-diagnosis of strep). So, if this doesn't knock it out, which we will find out when we go for our NEXT follow up appointment, then we will resort to a round of three shots in three days. After that...well we haven't talked about that because we are hoping that will not be needed. Dr. Loventhal seems pretty confident that this should knock it out though. So, that has been our day. He is having a blast at school. Loving how he leaves me in the morning, no tears, just waves bye bye. And he has started to at least TRY lunch before he decides he doesn't want it! So, things are on the up, just pray we get rid of this ear thing!

Love to you all!


Super Saturday!

Today at the playground we had tons of fun! We went and played on the slides and drove our pretend car at the wheel. We also had tons of fun playing in the sand and laughing with Daddy! Here are some pictures from our outing. Right now we are napping and then we are all gonna watch some college football and grill some steaks!

Here is me and mommy!

I like to slide all by myself too!

Look at me driving my car!

I love to laugh with Daddy!

I love to get sandy and dirty!

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::New Video::

Not as long, but so cute! Had to put it up for you guys! He's such a talker now! Love you!


::What a Great Day!::

Today was a great day for many reasons! It was the first day I was able to eat anything with substance and keep it down. It was the first day Brant ate all of his lunch at school! It was the first day Brandon has felt better. And sadly enough...it was the first day that Brant has been bitten by another child! YIKES!

Lots happened today and it was such a full day. Brant played outside and showed me how he goes down the slide. He got to finger paint with his friends and played in the water to wash it off! I got to go in and play with him on my break and he was so lovey dovey! It was fun! Then when it was time to go home, he didn't even want to leave with me. That I must say was sad for me...but at least he is enjoying school!

They asked me to come in at 8 in the morning so that means it will be an early one for us. Have to wake Brant up before 7! Off to bed I go!

Love to you all!


::As the World Turns::

So as it turns out, apparently I have given whatever bug I had to my caring husband. Now, not only am I not fully well, but he is under the weather, and Brant is spending the night at Mimi and Pawpaw's to hopefully evade this bug.

Lord have mercy on us all. Between being exhausted due to not eating hardly anything in 4 days, I am retiring to bed after taking care of BA and then off to work again tomorrow.

Gatorade could be my new crash diet whenever I wanna look 10 lbs lighter.

Love you all!


::Sorry for the Delay::

So the reason I haven't posted in the past two days is because since 2:00pm on Friday afternoon my best friends have been my bed and the toilet...aside from my loving husband who has attended to my every beck and call. I don't know what I came down with but as soon as I got to work on Friday I began throwing up. After the third time I decided it wasn't going to pass and I scooped up Brant and headed home. Luckily, Brandon was home for the day because of a cancelled concrete pour, long story short they didn't tell him they cancelled it and he was at work at 3:00am on Friday all by himself and decided to take the day off since no one was courteous enough to give him a call. So, I was home, hugging the toilet and he took care of Brant. We carried on that way until my parents came over yesterday to pick up Sammy. They decided to take Brant home with them so Brandon could get some things done around the house and I could get better. 24 hours later and I still don't feel quite right, but I figure I better get up and try to do some stuff to see if I will be able to make it at work tomorrow.

Here are some more pics from the other day. I don't like posting without pictures! Then its just me, and me alone, without my adorable son, is boring! Oh yeah - I forgot to say GO DAWGS! Granted...it was W Carolina, but still its a W!


::On the Upside::

Well, today was our last day sick at home. He woke up with fever but it broke mid-morning and he hasn't had fever since, Praise Jesus! He still was very ornery and hasn't been sleeping very well, but other than that and the enormous amount of snot he is getting rid of he's great! We even got the chance to go outside and play in the water after it rained!

Here are some pictures from today! He looks better!

We are going back to school tomorrow...so many teachers are out they practically said I had to come back! So - we'll see how tomorrow goes.

Brandon has to go and pour concrete at 3:30 in the morning so I am going to get off here so he can go to sleep! The light really bothers him, he's a very particular sleeper!

Love to all!



Today was a little bit better. Still has a pretty harsh fever, even with the Motrin round the clock. We ran to the school today to get our pictures taken. It was mandatory for me to get it done by the end of the week, and if I didn't get it today, it would have to be done at the photographer's studio on my own time. Being that I don't have a lot of that, I thought it was a good idea to go ahead and run there to get it done, and then Brant could have his done like he was supposed to anyways. So yay for looking tired and sick in our photos today!

I will make sure you all see them when we get them!

Brant and I will most likely be at home again tomorrow. Rather him get all the way well before we go back. With his fever anyways, we can't go back, but I still think without it we will stay at home!

Love you all - thanks for the prayers!


Quick Update

Not going to write much now because Brant is taking a nap, so I am not far behind him. Just wanted to let all of you know who were wondering, once again, sorry Lori that my phone is the WORST at my house. But Brant has a double ear infection, that means one in both ears. Long story short, they never should have treated him for strep, and now we have an ear infection. I love my Dr. though, I got to see Brant's this time, and he filled me in on everything which I will write later.

Love you all - he is okay, just fussy and still very very hot. Pray he gets in a good nap. Rest is the best medicine right now...and its the hardest for him to get!


::Sick Again or Still?::

That is the question. Are we sick AGAIN, or did we never really get over it in the first place, so we are sick still?

Anyways...Brant is in bed after a long day. He woke up last night with a high fever. This morning when he woke up it was not there. So he and I went to school as planned, it being Monday I knew that lots of teachers would be out and I would be needed. I let them know up front that Brant could quite possibly develop this fever again and that I wanted to be notified immediately should that occur. (yes I said that exact thing...ha!)

So, before nap time he was getting hot so I went and gave him some Tylenol, yet another advantage of being at the same place he is (thank you Jesus). He slept all of 45 minutes. I knew something was up. That was at about 12, at about 3 his teacher came and found me and let me know his temp was at 102 and the thermometer didn't even beep. So, needless to say our little guy had to go home. Brandon left work right then, being the caring and loving father and husband he is, for real, and came to pick him up. I had a meeting after work, so I have just arrived home after going to CVS to pick up some Pedialyte, a nose syringe, and some more Motrin.

I will be calling the doctor ASAP in the morning to try and get in. I just want to try and get this knocked out before it gets bad. I am not dealing with this sickness thing to well. Although, I am having to be a big girl about it since Mom is outta town and Brandon's mom is like more than 2 hours away. Sometimes its hard to believe that I am the Mom now!

Love to all! I will update you tomorrow!


::Weekend Fun::

This weekend has been lots of fun so far, except for the fact that my Dawgs just got beat, and beat bad. The score does not depict how awful that game was. We need to fix some things or our SEC season is going to be a bust.

Aside from that, Friday was a good day for Brant at school, as you can see from the pictures. He fell on the playground though, and that was the worst. He has a bump on his head, a bruise under his eye, and his nose is so scraped up. He took it like a man though, I am told, and didn't cry until someone ran over to him and babied him! Go Brant!

Brant is so funny when I go into his classroom to teach Body Basics. He doesn't understand why I am paying so much attention to the other kids too. He wants his mommy all to himself! But he usually gets better as time goes on.

I went out to dinner for Brant's teacher, Alyssa's, birthday on Friday night, so Daddy and Brant had boys' night in! They said it was so much fun. Brant was making Daddy laugh all night with his "Uh Ohs!" Also, Brant has started to say "ball" as well. Its so neat to see how school is teaching him so many cute things and how being with the other kids makes him want to do more things! Now if we can just get him to eat!

Love to all...Have a Blessed Sunday!


::Better Day::

Today was surprisingly okay. Brant only woke up once last night, and it was really before I was good and asleep, so I was able to put him back to bed and get to sleep without much trouble. This morning he didn't cry when I dropped him off, another plus. He played on the playground today and I was there, but he didn't latch onto me. He played and every now and then would come show me something...it was great!

He still only slept one hour at nap time though, so I am not sure what is up with that. Mimi and Pawpaw came by tonight to drop off Sammy and he was happy to see them. Sammy wasn't so happy to see them go however. His heart was racing and he wanted nothing to do with us for about 30 minutes. I guess until he came to terms with the fact that they really weren't coming right back.

Anyways - all is well. Brant is asleep. Tomorrow is Friday and I get to teach PE. Brandon is picking up Brant from school tomorrow. And I have my dog back for a week!

Let me know how your week has been! Love you all!

And Lauren - I am sorry but my video uploader is not cooperating. I will have this video up asap! PROMISE!


::Better Late Than Never::

I always say better late than never, although being late is one of my biggest pet peeves. However, I just got around to empyting my flash drive onto my home computer and I found pictures from my family's summer vacation. I thought that I could post some since I didn't have any new material on Brant. As you can see from our shirts, we went over the fourth of July week and spent it at the beach. We had a blast. I posted during our stay in Destin, and I am sure most of you enjoyed the video and pictures of Brant. If you haven't seen them, go back to my posts from July and you can find them. Pretty good stuff I must say. All of these pictures have Brant in them, since the blog really is about him right?

Brant had a good day at school today...it was the first time since he was sick that he hasn't cried when I dropped him off in his classroom. That was good. And when I went to his room during my break, his teacher, Ms. Alyssa, who is the greatest might I add, along with Ms. Marie, told me that he ate some pineapple at lunch. Surprise number two. Right at that moment, my son decided to wake up, after only one hour of a nap. That was not a good thing because by 6:30 when it was time to go home I had one tired boy in my hands. He cried all the way home, inconsoleable. Once we got home BA already had the chicken ready, and he DIDN'T WANT IT! Can you believe it? We couldn't! We decided to try the bath, didn't work. So, at 7:30pm our son was in the bed and asleep. I will post tomorrow to let you know how that works out!

Let's all hope for a better day tomorrow, or at least better END to the day. But it will be, because our family gets to babysit Sammy, my parent's dog, who used to be my dog, for a whole week! I am so excited to have my little guy back for a visit! I'll make sure to put some pictures up of he and Brant since they are such good friends now...Sammy lets Brant pet him! YAY!

Love to all!


::We love Holidays::

Check out my Labor Day outfit. I wasn't sure what kind of Labor Day our family was going to have. Brant didn't have a great night, and we were supposed to go and cookout at my brother's house, but we didn't because Brant was off. Well, Brandon went to Home Depot to get some stuff for the yard so Brant and I decided to play outside. Sure enough, he's had a great day. We put on our Braves hat, hopefully to bring them some luck, and we headed out. I put some water in the pool to warm up today so after his nap he can play in it! We played outside with the hose and our tricycle. He had a ball! As of right now, Brandon is changing the oil in our cars as he waters the yard, which we found out Brant isn't too fond of the sprinkler! I just put Brant down for a nap, and I am about to go and run some errands. That is why I love holidays, although I do wish I had known Brant would be fine today and we could have gone to my brother's...although, we couldn't have been so productive!

Just thought I would show you some pics of my garden. None of my doing, as of now all I have done is water them. They are really pretty and it made me happy to be outside today so I thought I would share them with all of you!

Below is a video of Brant today during our inside playtime. It is so funny! This is his new thing!

Love you all!


::A Great Day::

I am excited about today, and the reason is two-fold. Today, first and foremost is Danielle Lindeman's 24th birthday and we are all going to ESPN Zone to celebrate. Secondly, and near and dear to my heart, it is the SEASON AND HOME OPENER UGA FOOTBALL GAME! Go Dawgs! I called my brother last night to make sure that he had his car flags ready last night and how jealous I was that he was going. He does pay lots for those tickets though, so I guess I can let it slide! I told him if he didn't want to go to the Troy game this season that I would take the tickets if he wanted me to! He got a big laugh. I didn't get to go to ONE game last season, not his fault but mine, and I hope that I can attend at least one this year. So, in short, we will be at ESPN Zone at 6 pm for kick-off cheering on my beloved Dawgs!

Oh yes - and thanks Lori for the signature idea. Drumroll please....