
::Today at School::

Today was Brant's second day at school. He had a blast. Ms. Alyssa said he didn't even cry once! YAY! In his discovery report, this is a report that gets sent to my email every afternoon highlighting what he did and learned that day (along with pictures), was a picture of him playing outside with his friends. It is the picture above...Brant of course is in the blue shirt playing at the table!

There will be other things as well, like journal reports, which I will receive once a week which will be totally personal to him discussing something he accomplished or may need work on! It is the neatest thing. God really has blessed me with a creative and intimate place for Brant to be!

Also - there may be a chance that I will be moving to Pre-K instead of 2 year olds. Not that I don't love the twos, because I really did. But there was an opening and they considered me first! Kinda neat how when you make the right choices, even when they aren't the most fun...such as, taking a job working with Twos when it isn't my first choice because this place would be so cool for my son to be, God honors your decision and works things out for the best!

Love to all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!!!!!!