
::Not Much To Say::

Not too much to say on my end...
Brant has been in a weird little state lately...stomach issues and mommy issues. I guess I must be pretty cool, cause he doesn't want me out of his sight right now.
Other than that, there is not much to speak of. We (brandon and I) are headed to Knoxville this weekend to celebrate my DEAR friend Sarah's wedding. I will post pictures later hopefully. Brant is headed to MiMi's for the weekend, which I am sure he is STOKED about. He loves to say MiMi now a days!
Here are some pictures from Saturday...it snowed here most of the day. Brant was lovin' it, although he was a little confused by it.


Anonymous said...

Can't WAIT! That is the cutest expression EVER!
Hope he is STOKED...would hate for him to want Mommy all weekend :)

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely precious!! Glad his ears are doing well. Praying they will continue to do so. I know his Mimi and Paw-paw will enjoy him as much as we did. Can hardly wait until we can see you ALL again. Have a wonderful week-end. Love,Grandpa, Nana and his Aunts Ally,Lauran, and Kaitlan.