
::Easter was Fun::

What a week we have had since I posted last. Let's see...

Aunt LaLa - or as you will see from this video below Aunt "Crackers" - was home for spring break so we spent lots of time at MiMi and PawPaw's so we could see her. Almost everyday we either went there or she came to our house. We were glad that she was home and we got to spend some time with her! Here is a video of her and Brant.

Easter was this weekend and on Friday Brant had an Easter Egg Hunt at school. His teachers painted all the kids' faces with red noses and black whiskers to look like bunnies. They were SO adorable. His teachers said he didn't really want to keep the eggs as much as he wanted to throw them...That's MY Boy!

On Sunday we went to church and then over to MiMi and PawPaw's for a family gathering. All of mom's family came over, except for the sickies (Ash and Ken), and we ate lunch. Brant got his Easter presents from MiMi, Nanny, AND Aunt Claudia...sure does help being the only great-grandchild huh? My brother Bryan knows ALL about that, he was the only grandchild for almost nine years until we all came along. But, he got more cars than we know what to do with. We came home with about 20, and we left some there! He got CARS the Movie, car eggs, hot wheels, match box Cars, Cars from the Movie, Cars books, a Cars Blanket, a basketball goal, and more. The kid racked up! Here is a picture of Brant and his friend Haydo lounging on his Cars blanket...this was right after he got it! He was so excited...and I think Haydo might have been a little jealous.

Lastly, we are back to normal. Going to school and getting boo boos. Now he has gotten his first black eye. He was getting out of a chair in their library and fell into a shelf. He caught his fall with his left eye. Doesn't seem to bother him, but it looks like I beat my child. Mom says I have to be really nice to him now in public so people don't think that I did it.

Well now that I have written a novel, I will stop. More pictures to come when my sis emails me some from her camera. Love to all!

Oh yeah - and get excited...Braves Baseball starts this weekend! WAHOO!


Anonymous said...

Hope you got the other comment from the other pictures.Thanks SOO much for the pictures. Makes me want to get up ther to see all of you. We are going to do our best to very soon. He looks so precious even with the black eye. I can truly relate to the times I use to be concerned that people thought I was beating his dad because of his boo-boos. It happens, but we know your a good mom and dad.Keep up the good work!! Love Nana/Mom

Anonymous said...

My word, what are you doing to that child? He looks so precious with his black eye. Be sure to put that in your scrapbook for future viewing (by him).

Thanks for your new entry - keep 'em coming.

Love you all, Nanny

Anonymous said...

OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!
One of many I am afraid :))))
Can't wait to keep him for the Braves Home Opener!

lori said...

A BLACK EYE!!! oh my~~~HA~

LOVE that pic of Haydo and Brant...yep, I think the BIG boy was a bit jealous..HE NEVER had a CARS blanket...a cars BACKPACK, but not a blanket....he DID have DORA?? just not the same!!

love you!