
::Lots to Share::

So...we have just gotten our hyper child down to bed and I decided to sit at the computer to update everyone.

Brandon and I spent the weekend in Knoxville for a wedding. It was beautiful and loads of fun. We were concerned for family and friends with the weather we missed and are glad to hear that there is no damage to speak of at my brother and Amelia's. We had rain there, but nothing like everyone had here. Here is a picture of us in front of the TN River where the reception was held.

Brant spent the weekend at MiMi and PawPaw's and was none too happy to return home to us today. Mom helped by getting him down for his nap, but when he woke up...he wouldn't even look at me. So mad MiMi and PawPaw were no longer here. He is talking a lot more. Saying lots more words and people's names. Today he said "Mama...crackers please" clear as day. I about died. And you will see from the video at the end of the post what he has been learning to say otherwise.

We also started using a booster seat tonight...and if tonight is any indication of what it is going to be like...I am pumped. He ate half of a porkchop...I didn't even put any on his plate because I just knew he wouldn't eat it. He saw my plate and pointed to it and said please. I cut some up for him and he was eating it faster than I could cut it. What a surprise...maybe he is going to become a good eater in his old age!

Lastly, we had an adventure with a lady bug today. As you can see from the pictures below, Spring has sprung at 2055 Greenhill Pass. Thanks to the elderly couple who owned the house before, we have beautiful flowers that are in bloom. One flower had a lady bug on it that Brant discovered and wouldn't leave alone. He was running everywhere with it and would drop it, then pick it up and exclaim, "I got it!" He didn't like it when the lady bug crawled on him though...that was a bit much. Needless to say, we spent the majority of the afternoon in the yard. I pulled weeds, Brandon washed, waxed, and detailed my car, and Brant ran around like a wild one. We were a sight to see. I was just happy to be outside and soaking up the sun!

Hope everyone's weekend was great and I can't wait to see my sister tomorrow! She will home for a whole week! I am SO ready!


Anonymous said...

I heard him - could you work on a few more names eh? He's my little man!!!!

The picture of you and Brandon is wonderful and your yard is something to be behold. Keep putting pics up so we can see how beautiful it is (especially for those of us who have none).

Anonymous said...

Hey Linds! So glad that Brant's ears are still treating well! The picture of you and Brandon at the wedding is superb!!! You look fantastic! I am also in love with your house! And your flowers are beautiful! I really miss you and I hope that sometime soon we will be able to see each other. Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Hope you get this comment. Sorry I didn't get it up before you put the new one up. The picture of you and Brandon is absolutely gorgeous! I love the background.
He looks so sweet talking to everyone. He's growing up SOOO fast!! Love to you all. Nana/Mom