
::The Weekend::

This week has officially begun...and boy are we excited! Brandon is on vacation, we are headed to the GA Aquarium on Thursday, and then it's a holiday weekend! What is there to be bummed about?

Last weekend started off great with a visit to see Uncle Bryan, Aunt Mena, and Baby Lee. I was in heaven holding him the entire night, and Brant was in heaven because he left with MiMi. Here is Brant's very first picture with his new cousin.

On Friday night before we headed to my brother's...Brandon came home with a HAPPY for me! Front Porch Furniture! It is awesome. We put it together Saturday morning and sat together before our day began. Then on Sunday night we enjoyed the pink sunset after the storms. I am so excited to be able to have this and spend time together!

Saturday was jam-packed with Joni's birthday at the lake and then softball games. Brandon broke another finger, so all is well. He is bummed it started his vacation, but he'll live. He is being a great patient and following instructions. So, slowly but surely it is getting better!

Below are some pictures of my first flower arrangement made by flowers from my yard. I am amazed at how pretty it turned out to be...once again, credit to the previous home owners for planting some pretty awesome annuals! And without watering them due to the ban, I think they have turned out pretty well!

So - here is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOUQUET for Ms. Debra (Brandon's Mom) whose birthday is tomorrow! Hope your day is awesome and filled with joy! Wish we could be there, but we will see you soon! You deserve it!


::Update from Us::

So, I know that I failed to acknowledge Brant's 2nd birthday! The VERY REASON FOR THIS BLOG, and he didn't even get a birthday post. I will obviously skip this story when I am telling him about his childhood. We did however, have a birthday cookout on Father's Day. And here is the look that we saw the most! He got it...it was great! I can't even imagine what it will be like next year when he is anticipating it...such fun!

Below is a picture of Brant's return to his very own backyard. Apparently he was watching Nana water the flowers when he was down in Macon for the week (they took him for a week to spend time with him and allow me to be available for the birth of my nephew). He asked to "water flowers." So I gave him the hose to see what he would do...and this was the result.

I know some of you have kept up with how I was worried about Brant not eating at school. Well, I just wanted to put up a picture to prove that he is a great eater now. He still needs some work with the utensils though!

Under here is Brant's new obsession....COUNTING! He has learned to count to ten and will count anything in front of him. This is a picture of him at school counting his friends before they go outside. They all sit by the door and sing songs before going out, and Brant decided he would count his friends for the teachers. They said he did a great job, but that after 10 he looked confused. Well...at least he has caught up to Bryan's intelligence level at that age, right Bub?

This is Brant counting again. This time he and a friend were counting pine cones. I got suspicious and asked for the rest of the story and found out that after they were finished counting they started chucking them at each other....great.

So as you can see, we have been up to lots of fun over here. Brant turned two then went to Macon for a week, my brother had his little boy (a buddy for Brant - who will meet him this Friday...pray for gentle touches!), Brandon is working his tail off submitting bids, I got my first paycheck for my extra-curricular sports program...which blew me away to get paid like that for something I LOVE, and I am getting to see my sister almost twice a week. Life is good.

Like I said, Brandon is working hard and getting to take some time off next week as a reward, so we are going to take Brant to the aquarium for his birthday present from his Mama and Daddy. On Friday Brandon and Brant are going to get to meet Lee, my new nephew. We have Joni's birthday party this weekend at the lake and our last two church softball games. So, although this weekend is jam packed, hopefully we will slow down a bit and get to relax. Can't believe it is almost July...this summer is going by too quickly!

Love to all!



Last night when I hurried on to post the picture of my brand new nephew, Lee Thomas, I noticed it has been a long time since my last post. I guess it is time for me to get on the ball.

We have been staying busy with work, softball, and Brant. He had his 2nd birthday party on Sunday and it was awesome. So many family and friends stopped by to help us celebrate and he was loving every minute of it. After that he went home with Nana and Grandpa to Macon so I could be free to be with Baby Lee when he arrived. And also cause Nana hasn't stole him in a while and she was due.

Here are some pictures since I posted last...I have more but these are the ones I HAVE to put up now.

Loving the shower with daddy....he screamed, "Its RAINING!"

His first shower with Daddy

Check out that cupcake...he was tearing into that icing.

Showing off his presents to all his guests



I am officially a new aunt! My brother and his wife finally had their baby at 7:08 pm tonight. His name is Lee Thomas Hardman. He is 7 lbs 12 oz. and 20.5 inches long. He has a beautiful head of hair and mommy and baby are doing great! We are so excited.