
::Camera Problems::

I want to apologize for not posting in a while. Aside from mentioning we have been trying to get back into routine lately after the fourth of July holiday...I have misplaced my battery charger to my camera. Between taking it to work, on trips, and being at home, it is hiding in a bag somewhere or at work. I have yet to find it, but when I do, photos will resume and I will begin posting more. I just feel that a post without a picture is boring to you all.

However, I have been at home the past two days with a sick little one. He has an ear infection and a virus. Needless to say, he has been pitiful. He is on an antibiotic and a steriod, not to mention the decongestant and motrin for his high fever. So doped up and happy, we have been hanging out the past two days. He is headed to his MiMi's tonight so she can keep him tomorrow and Mommy can return to work.

I will update as soon as I can. Lets hope I find my battery soon. Love to you all!

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