
::The Weekend::

This week has officially begun...and boy are we excited! Brandon is on vacation, we are headed to the GA Aquarium on Thursday, and then it's a holiday weekend! What is there to be bummed about?

Last weekend started off great with a visit to see Uncle Bryan, Aunt Mena, and Baby Lee. I was in heaven holding him the entire night, and Brant was in heaven because he left with MiMi. Here is Brant's very first picture with his new cousin.

On Friday night before we headed to my brother's...Brandon came home with a HAPPY for me! Front Porch Furniture! It is awesome. We put it together Saturday morning and sat together before our day began. Then on Sunday night we enjoyed the pink sunset after the storms. I am so excited to be able to have this and spend time together!

Saturday was jam-packed with Joni's birthday at the lake and then softball games. Brandon broke another finger, so all is well. He is bummed it started his vacation, but he'll live. He is being a great patient and following instructions. So, slowly but surely it is getting better!

Below are some pictures of my first flower arrangement made by flowers from my yard. I am amazed at how pretty it turned out to be...once again, credit to the previous home owners for planting some pretty awesome annuals! And without watering them due to the ban, I think they have turned out pretty well!

So - here is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOUQUET for Ms. Debra (Brandon's Mom) whose birthday is tomorrow! Hope your day is awesome and filled with joy! Wish we could be there, but we will see you soon! You deserve it!


Anonymous said...

What a newsy addition to your blog.

I love the porch furniture and hope I get to sit on it sometime.

Sorry about BA's finger - he will have to be more careful.

The flowers are lovely and I know your enjoy your yard.

Love to all,


Anonymous said...


I love this post!!! What a great surprise from your wonderful husband! the furniture is beautiful! I am sure that time is fun and special! I also have to give you props for the flowers... such a girly thing... and you did it so well ;) Haha!
I miss you so much!!! Glad to hear you are doing so well. I love you tons!!!!!
L Berlin

Anonymous said...

Hi to you guys and thanks for the Birthday wish. None of my children except Kaitlan are home today so we'll have to celebrate later. Jimmy and Kaitlan are taking me to dinner which will be nice.
I love the beautiful flowers and you did a good job arranging them!
Of course we ALWAYS enjoy seeing pics of Brant. He's so precious. We sure enjoyed having him for a week.
Tell Bryan and Amelia they have a BEAUTIFUL baby boy.I know they are 2 PROUD parents! Hope to see you guys soon. Love to you all, Nana

Anonymous said...

Awww.... The picture with Brant holding his new baby cousin is just so CUTE! I love it!!! Love you guys!~ Ally