
Here is a slideshow from Macon. We just got back from Thanksgiving. We had a blast. Brant is definitely at a testing age, though, and I am CONSTANTLY praying for patience. Join me in that prayer would you?


Santa Claus is Comin'...

So I've been playing with a new photo editor, picnik.com, THANKS MEREDITH!

Here is my latest creation...ADORABLE if I might say so!

ENJOY! Get ready for Santa!



We have been having a blast as a family. We have been goofing off, celebrating birthdays, playing outside, and learning learning learning.

The happenings this past week:

1. PawPaw's Birthday - we celebrated with tons of fun at their house. You can check out the photos below.

2. Lee's Dedication - my nephew Lee was dedicated a Buckhead Church during a really cool dedication service. I am sure they will have the photos up on their blog soon. Check my links on the side. My camera was dead that afternoon...go figure.

3. Random playdates outside together! So much fun to just relax and be a family. See below.

I will end with a video. Probably one of the cutest ever. I know it is kinda dark, but you don't need to see as much as you need to hear. Enjoy!



Much more of a success that I had imagined. Mimi, PawPaw, Lala, and Sammy came over for dinner and trick-or-treating. We had a blast. We ate Brunswick Stew and enjoyed our time together. Going to houses went much better than I was expecting, although getting him to say trick-or-treat was a chore. We got please and thank you out of him though, and we always left with, "HALLOWEEN!" It was a lot of fun and thanks to the last minute costume additions thanks to my friend Angie we had us one tough looking Fireman! Here is a slideshow. Lala dressed up halfway as a baseball player to encourage Brant...so they set off with his Lightning McQueen candy bucket (cause you have to have Cars in there somewhere) and got him some candy. PawPaw and Mimi stayed behind and handed out candy at our house then we all enjoyed the rest of the night together! Happy Halloween!